AI Research Assistant for Investment Bankers to
Pitch and Win more

Tailored for finance professionals
The ultimate tool for precision analysis, modeling, and insights on shifting markets

AI enhanced models, acquisition recommendations and financing strategies

Create company profiles in seconds

Automate crawling through the internet for company specific data

Blend M&A targets with AI recs

Expand your target search beyond familiar companies with AI recommendations

Public comparison backed by AI

Position amongst comparisons that are similar to company direction not just industry or financial comparisons increasing market positioning

AI enhanced models allowing natural language modeling

Instead of linking cells, converse with the model to develop ideas and assess risk

First drafts of pitch decks in seconds

  • Get client ready first drafts in seconds instead of iterating with junior staff for days.
  • Add the sections you want with the financial background getting idea validation in seconds.
  • Understand if a pitch flows, before spending time to create it.

Detailed CIMs in hours not weeks

Our cutting-edge research engine provides breadth and depth on any industry
Giving you the industry and company insights required to position any business to sell

Slides made to fit the content

Based on a curated dataset combined with best in class retrieval augmented generation (RAG)

Query financials

Pull financials augmented with the analysis required


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Company overview in PPT format


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